After the restlessness of finals comes three weeks of idle time, and there’s no better way to spend it than catching up on some quality movie viewing.
Category Archives: Film & TV
Movie Review: 'Chasing Ice'
In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, the power and unpredictability of nature and the ever-changing weather patterns have become increasingly apparent.
Q&A: “˜Skyfall’ director discusses latest James Bond film
Last Friday, Columbia Pictures and MGM released the new James Bond film “Skyfall,” starring Daniel Craig.
Movie Review: Café de Flore
While love can sometimes seem like settling, “Café de Flore” explores the notion of a predetermined love that can surpass lifetimes.
Alum’s film “˜Against the Grain’ wins Audience Choice Award
At the historic Ricardo Montalban Theatre in the heart of Hollywood, an audience of nearly 500 cheers wildly as a director receives the Audience Choice Award.
UCLA alumni recognized as Nicholl Fellowship finalists
It’s the end of the year, and the academy is due to hand out awards: Oscars for the veterans, and Nicholls for the newcomers.
May the Force be with Disney after purchasing Lucasfilm
When it was suggested I write a column on “Star Wars” and the culture it has created, I kind of freaked out a little.