Captain’s starlog May 17, 2013: The USS Enterprise is ready for warp speed, once again going boldly where no man has ever gone before.
Category Archives: Film & TV
Movie Review: ‘Frances Ha’
Most films tell stories of heroes that initially struggle, slowly begin to battle adversity and then miraculously blossom into successful and accomplished individuals.
Movie Review: “Black Rock”
If one were to mix “The Most Dangerous Game” with “Deliverance” and add in three mentally unstable, dishonorably discharged war veterans, then one might arrive somewhere in the vicinity of what “Black Rock” purports to be.
Love or Hate: Columnists debate NBC’s renewal of ‘Community’
Troy and Abed are back in the morning! In the wake of the yearly spring massacre of TV shows by broadcast networks, only two NBC comedies will live to see the light of day once more: one of them being, against all odds, critical darling “Community.” A perpetual ratings problem child, “Community” suffered the loss […]
Movie Review: ‘What Maisie Knew’
Child-centric movies thrive on the incompetence of their parents. Perhaps if the McAllisters or the Wormwoods had paid more attention, Kevin wouldn’t have been left “Home Alone,” or “Matilda” wouldn’t have been as conniving.
B-Sides: Sigur Ros’ decision to get Simpsonized a welcome venture for band
Set your calendars, ladies and gentlemen. Set your alarm clocks almost a week in advance, cancel any plans with friends or loved ones. In short, make sure you’re in front of a television on Sunday night. Why? Because the three members of Icelandic band Sigur Rós are turning yellow and animated – they’re being Simpsonized. […]
Movie Review: ‘Venus Serena’
Venus and Serena Williams have essentially reached the point of tennis gods.