The modern filmmaker must make a choice that 20 years ago, nobody may have even thought twice about: film or digital? Today’s filmmakers are making the switch to digital technologies to shoot their films, movie theaters are switching out old film projectors for digital systems and many are concerned for the future of film technology. […]
Category Archives: Film & TV
Out of Focus: Mexican film traverses social commentary, coming-of-age
Long, black roads of tar and gasoline, visions of Jack Kerouac, greasy-spoon diners and desolate fill-up stations. Seedy motels, hitchhikers thumbing for rides and broken-down metal machines along the highway. These are the images conjured up when thinking of the traditional road trip. The road movie has always been seen as a uniquely American invention […]
Royce Hall hosts Annie Awards, celebrates animation
The air was alive with animated chatter. All around, men were spruced up in pressed suits, and women dazzled in evening gowns as soundtracks from Disney films played in the background.The house lights dimmed, and the audience fell to a muted hush. Hosted by the Hollywood branch of the International Animated Film Society, the 41st Annie Awards show […]
Academy Award nominations: Live-action short films
Every year, the works chosen for the three Academy Award categories for short films are among the most overlooked of the year’s Oscar selections. Aside from those usually coupled with Pixar films and the rare popular YouTube short, the majority of pieces go on unseen and unheard of by the general public. Yet, for each […]
Academy Award nominations: Animated short films
Every year, the works chosen for the three Academy Award categories for short films are among the most overlooked of the year’s Oscar selections. Aside from those usually coupled with Pixar films and the rare popular YouTube short, the majorityof pieces go on unseen and unheard of by the general public. Yet, for each of […]
Movie Review: ‘Tim’s Vermeer’
Renowned 17th-century Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer, famous in the art world for creating photograph-like interior spaces, may have traced his work. At least that’s what is purported by the film “Tim’s Vermeer,” a documentary narrated by Penn Jillette and directed by Teller, both of famed comedy-magic duo Penn and Teller. “Tim’s Vermeer” follows Tim Jenison, […]
Out of Focus: The films of Anthony Mann come to Westwood
Modern cinema is indebted to Anthony Mann, even if few are aware of it. Working under strict production codes and B-picture budgets, Mann crafted a string of brilliant movies in the 1940s and 1950s that chronicled outsiders and anti-heroes long before they became popular. These were films made practically on the run, churned out in […]