Dorm Dining: Rice cooker bread pudding surpasses The Study at Hedrick’s rendition

Life on the Hill doesn’t exactly allow ample opportunity for experimentation with cooking, leading to a routine diet at the dining halls. Over the course of the quarter, columnist Andrew Warner sets out to break the culinary monotony of dorm life, armed with a rice cooker and a few pantry staples. Bread pudding isn’t the […]

Reel Representation: Asian-Americans gravely underrepresented in mainstream cinema

Diversity in film and television came into the spotlight in 2016 with #OscarsSoWhite. A USC study in 2016 found only about a quarter of speaking characters belonged to non-white racial/ethnic groups. In “Reel Representation,” columnist Olivia Mazzucato discusses different issues of race and representation in media as they relate to new movies and TV shows. […]

Dorm Dining: Rice cooker mac and cheese, simple yet savory

Life on the Hill doesn’t exactly allow ample opportunity for experimentation with cooking, leading to a routine diet at the dining halls. Over the course of the quarter, columnist Andrew Warner sets out to break the culinary monotony of dorm life, armed with a rice cooker and a few pantry staples. Microwaveable mac and cheese […]

Reel Representation: Shonda Rhimes normalizes diversity in TGIT lineup

Diversity in film and television came into the spotlight in 2016 with #OscarsSoWhite. A USC study in 2016 found only about a quarter of speaking characters belonged to non-white racial/ethnic groups. In “Reel Representation,” columnist Olivia Mazzucato discusses different issues of race and representation in media as they relate to new movies and TV shows. […]

Dorm Dining: Mixed berry crumble, unsightly but undeniably delicious

Life on the Hill doesn’t exactly allow ample opportunity for experimentation with cooking, leading to a routine diet at the dining halls. Over the course of the quarter, columnist Andrew Warner sets out to break the culinary monotony of dorm life, armed with a rice cooker and a few pantry staples. Sometimes the best desserts […]

Second Take: Celebrities’ anti-Trump protests reflect many Americans’ concerns

The next time your friend drags you to a concert you never wanted to attend, just be grateful you didn’t have to sit through Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration. Friday’s inauguration ceremony and ball, titled “Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration,” featured what was possibly the saddest musical setlist ever curated, including the runner-up of “America’s […]