Hill-sponsored pre-finals events such as Zombie Suitefest de-stress and educate residents

With “thriller” dances and zombification, Saxon and Hitch Suites plan to help students de-stress by bringing the Zombie Suitefest to life tonight.

Students will get a chance to relax and socialize by participating in zombie-themed events at the Suitefest, a biannual social event held before upcoming finals.

“So You Don’t Want To Be A Lawyer” panel explores alternatives after law school

While almost all of his graduating class will go on to practice law, Noah Ornstein has his eyes set on movies.
With a couple of classmates, Ornstein hopes to start an international theater company to develop film industry markets in places such as Latin America.

Currently a student in the UCLA School of Law, he represents a small portion of students hoping to do something different with their degree than practicing law.

The law school will hold a panel today called “So You Don’t Want to be a Lawyer?” for other students like Ornstein.