Every year since 2007, Joan Waugh, a professor of U.S. history, takes her students on a field trip to the Los Angeles National Cemetery.
Author Archives: Srbui Karapetian
UCLA ranked ninth in Sierra Club’s top sustainable campuses
While walking across UCLA’s campus, one immediately notices the recycling tripod, the mixed paper bin, and the transportation vanpools that pass by every few minutes.
Surge of federal research grant money fuels large-scale, high-cost projects in UCLA sciences
It was in August of last year that computer science professor Jason Cong began drafting a pre-proposal to the National Science Foundation in hopes of receiving funds for a new research project ““ the development of flexible, customizable computers that he said could revolutionize the health care industry.
Baha’is hope for change in perspective of their faith
For third-year bioengineering student Sattar Khoshkhoo, vice chair of the Baha’i Association, a student group at UCLA, the pursuit of higher education has come at a tremendous cost: departing from Iran, his homeland of 16 years, without any surety of return.
Captives freed after 142 days
It was Wednesday morning last week when the families and friends of Current TV reporters Laura Ling and Euna Lee gathered outside the Burbank airport to welcome them home after 142 days of captivity in North Korea.
UC releases report on admissions for fall 2009
The University of California Office of the President recently released a report detailing the number of incoming freshmen and California community college transfer students who accepted their admission offers to UC campuses.
UCLA alumna’s detention sparks worries at alma mater
Earlier this month, UCLA alumna Laura Ling and fellow journalist Euna Lee were sentenced to 12 years of hard labor in a North Korean labor camp for illegal entry into North Korea.