Bush ignores domestic issues with request for additional $87 billion

One of our greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln, once asked: “What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried?” Apparently President Bush never heard that definition. Bush and his band of neoconservatives have embarked on such a disastrous and unprecedented undertaking in Iraq that it appears their brand […]

Rebuilding of Iraq must be international effort

The quagmire in Iraq in which the United States is now embroiled has been met with alarm across the political spectrum. Both conservatives and liberals view the renewed violence and futile search for weapons that is taking place in that country with considerable dismay. Many fear the occupation will ultimately lead to a U.S. military […]

Diversity-based student groups unify, not divide

Recently, UC Regent Ward Connerly brought a resolution before the UC Regents attempting to discontinue university funding for student activities based on race, national origin and sexual orientation. This proposal, known as Resolution 38, would have had sweeping effects, eliminating university funding for a variety of activities, from ethnic-specific outreach programs and student retention centers […]

Democrats must fight judicial extremism

As positive and progressive as are the recent Supreme Court decisions in Lawrence v. Texas and Grutter v. Bollinger, the thin margin of victory in these rulings underscores the need to avoid extreme right-wing nominees who have visions of the Constitution that is narrow, totalitarian and overtly political. Civil rights activists who have been fighting […]