Anderson Forecast predicts looming crash

The housing bubble is bound to pop, creating a sharp decline in real estate costs that could trigger a recession, several economists at the UCLA Anderson Forecast said. The business school issued its quarterly economic forecast Wednesday, an evaluation considered by many to be one of the leading independent economic forecasts in the nation. The […]

Proposals’ failure may spur change

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will have to rehabilitate his image in the coming months, after the major political blow that came when voters handily rejected all his Special Election ballot proposals Tuesday. The Republican governor’s pet propositions ““ Proposition 74, to extend teacher probation periods; 75, to put restrictions on union spending; 76, to slow the […]

Colorado may foretell Calif. budget woes

Two fiscally conservative governors, miles away from each other, are forecasting budgetary disaster unless voters pass new state spending rules. This situation might seem common enough, but this time there is a catch: Their goals are opposite. While Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger pushes California voters to put a cap on yearly state spending, his Colorado counterpart […]