Although quick to list Dragon Ball and Naruto as their favorite Japanese comic-book series, neither Woojae Kim nor Bryan Yu anticipated that they would ever work at ““ let alone own ““ a Japanese comic-book cafe.
Author Archives: Paige Parker
Exhibit leaps across mediums and genres
What do flying deer, a rap music video and animal bones have in common?
Style helps uncover an artistic mystery
Walking through the Getty Museum’s “Dialogue Among Giants” exhibit is like walking through a mystery, finding clues here and there, each revealing something about the artistic history of featured photographer, Carleton Watkins.
Culinary Connoisseur: Pizzicotto
Hardly noticeable to a passerby, the restaurant’s front door opens up to an often-packed two-level space, with fancy pastas and oil bottles decorating the walls.
Diwali celebration to come to Ackerman
There’s nothing like a traditional religious festival to promote appreciation for the diversity that UCLA has to offer.
Ornate opera
Elaborately painted faces, songs sung in the high-pitched falsetto and audience interaction are a few of the unique characteristics that separate Beijing Opera from the more familiar Western Opera.
Put on your tourist caps, UCLA
This summer, arts and entertainment-wise, I saw and experienced more in Washington, D.C. in five weeks than I have in the two whole years I’ve been at UCLA.