Crisis. Recession. Collapse.
Author Archives: Neha Jaganathan
First debate, no knockout punch
Presidential candidates Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain met for their first of three debates on Friday.
Bruins evaluate, connect with candidates
With less than two months until the country chooses a new president, election frenzy has generated discussions about everything from Sarah Palin’s pregnant daughter to Barack Obama’s fundraising dinner in Hollywood with celebrities.
Daily Bruin columnist to speak at commencement
For most students, graduation is about crossing the stage to receive a diploma, but for one senior, standing on the stage itself will likely be the highlight of the ceremony.
Car owners feeling crunch
When most college students are fishing change out of their couches to barely afford fast food, some may find themselves facing the additional burden of emptying their wallets at the corner gas station.
Proposed GI bills would affect veteran benefits
For students Luke Stalcup and Anthony Allman, the current battle over two new GI bills is not only a discussion occurring on Capitol Hill, but also a battle over legislation pertinent to their education and livelihood.
Hillel guests gather to break unleavened bread
Bound by the thread of tradition, strangers became comfortable friends as community members and students from different backgrounds and sects of Judaism gathered around tables on Saturday night to experience Passover Seder. Hillel at UCLA hosted a traditional and orthodox Seder dinner at the Yitzhak Rabin Center for Jewish Life at UCLA. Seder dinners are […]