Q&A: Jessica Steel

Pandora radio makes up more than 60 percent of Internet radio listening in the United States. When Jessica Steel, executive vice president of business and corporate development at Pandora Media Inc. received a phone call from her nephew Aza Steel, a third-year sociology student, asking if she would come speak at UCLA as Sigma Eta Pi’s guest speaker, she immediately agreed to do so.

UCLA's Confucius Institute celebrates Chinese New Year with performance from Zhejiang Normal University students

Astrology plays a significant role in Chinese life. The dragon represents the fifth animal in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac. Monday, the UCLA Confucius Institute celebrated the start of the lunar new year with performances by students from Zhejiang Normal University for local elementary schools.

Q&A: Alex DeLeon unfolds the symphony behind The Cab's recent album

The Cab is currently on its “Everything’s Fine Symphony Soldier Tour” with The Summer Set. Daily Bruin’s Marjorie Yan spoke to The Cab’s lead singer Alex Deleon about touring so far, inspiration for the group’s recently released album, “Symphony Soldier” and how it differs from its previous albums