Greeks bond on tapings of “The Price is Right”

For students involved in Greek life, attending a taping of “The Price is Right” has become a popular sisterhood and brotherhood event. The show welcomes large groups to sign up for free tickets online which make this an economical group activity for college students on a budget. There’s also the added suspense of possibly playing as a contestant.

Alumna Christine Lakin depicts her return to show business in her web series “Lovin’ Lakin”

Americans love to follow the ups (but more likely the downs) of their favorite childhood stars, with the likes of Lindsay Lohan and Demi Lovato recurring more often in punch lines and Us Weekly magazine covers than movies and music videos.

“˜Point(s) of Contact’ celebrates students’ yearlong journey

Maddie Schwarz read about a cell called the tonic neuron that keeps a constant beat; sometimes it is even referred to as a metronome neuron because it sets the pace for the cells around it. Schwarz saw the neuron as a metaphor for tap dancing, and it eventually inspired a dance piece that she will perform today and Saturday.