Comically chaotic family meeting takes center stage in ‘You Can’t Take It with You’

First impressions are not easily forgotten. When opening the door on a chaotic household of fireworks, snakes and dancing, one may call a family’s sanity into question. This is an average night for the Sycamore family – but they were unprepared for the sudden interruption.

Boards & Bottlecaps: UCLA student’s FratBoards gain traction among fraternity members

  After a wild night, a piercing alarm wakes UCLA fraternity members with the unpleasant realities of adulthood. As they scramble for the door with just minutes to spare, there is only one method of transportation they trust to get them to campus on time: FratBoards. Founded in 2011 by Aza Steel, a fourth-year sociology […]

Bruins find ‘Bachelor’ show focuses more on drama rather than relationships

On Hilgard, 50 girls hold their breath. The air is still, the tension thick. As the cameras zoom in on the final rose, the room stiffens, and each girl says a quick prayer for her favorite contestant. But just as the Bachelor begins to part his lips, the back doors fly open and the girls’ […]