The Environmental Protection Agency proposed putting stricter limits on national smog emissions Jan. 7, the agency’s first attempt to address the health and environmental issues caused by smog.
Author Archives: Jennifer Carcamo
Alumnus to speak on US relations with Africa
He didn’t see it coming, let alone expect it to change his entire life.
Report finds benefits to attending all-girl schools
Latoya Raveneau graduated with high honors and received the highest academic achievement award for science upon her final days at Fontbonne Hall Academy, a private all-girl high school in New York.
Post-high school support rare in low-income areas
A new annual report released by UCLA concludes that where high school students live plays a big role in whether or not they pursue higher education upon graduation.
Researchers identify offensive language in radio shows
A recent preliminary report released by the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center says that conservative talk radio shows have demonstrated increased frequency of hate speech in their programs.
UCLA faces over-enrollment
Despite the UC Board of Regents’ recent cut to university admissions, both UCLA and UC Berkeley will allow for over-enrollment this year just as they did last year, Lifka said.
UC, union still deadlocked
Contract negotiations between the University of California and UC workers have continued for over a year, but while both sides continue to propose solutions, a final decision has yet to be made.