It was bound to happen.
Author Archives: Jake Ayres
Grunting and screaming with style
No one listens to the lyrics.
Every songwriter worth his salt and starving-artisthood knows that. The other side of that truism is that as long as you have a good melody to back up whatever chickenscratch you managed to scrawl on a napkin at your favorite dive bar while swilling Pabst Blue Ribbon, you should be fine.
Film examines modern evil
Religious fanaticism, decapitations, dating game shows, Dungeons & Dragons, Scientology, corporate malfeasance, eating disorders, madness and erotic fan fiction.
Appeal of country music still alive
“I like all types of music ““ except country lol.” Lolz indeed. How many times have we all read that on facebook profiles Internet-wide. It’s an understandable sentiment, given that other genres of music all intermingle in the mainstream, while country music is seen as an almost entirely separate entity, often looked down upon as […]
Bass players provide the punch
Quick. Name as many famous guitar players as
you can.
Rappers and bloggers just can’t keep the peace
You know something’s up when the normally calm Internet erupts in threats of violence. That is, threats of violence that might actually come true.
Engineering a film
An increasing number of young filmmakers are getting into the industry not through the front gate, but through the side door off the beaten path.