Long live feminism; the fight isn’t over

Is feminism dead? A common belief is that the feminist movement is passé, outdated ““ exclusively meant for Victorian radicals and 1970s bra-burners. But as last week’s events illustrate, feminism isn’t dead and is not “old news.” This past Sunday, hundreds of thousands of people, including Bruins, participated in the March for Women’s Lives in […]

In Sproul, you don’t get what you pay for

I don’t want to be suddenly awakened by blaring jackhammers on Saturday mornings. But I am. Often. The delayed completion of Sproul’s first-floor construction, which began January 2003, is six months behind schedule. Many residents feel resentment due to the construction noises, problems, dust and debris. Housing and Hospitality Services promised Sproul Hall a lobby, […]

Stagnant grants, inflating fees a bad combo

Steve Rivera, a fourth-year biology student and Pell Grant recipient, works two jobs, one in the morning and one in the evening, to fund his education. “I just break even,” he said. Rivera works between classes because his federal grants, including the Pell Grant, don’t provide substantial support for his education. The shortfall is getting […]

Voters, politicians must tap into water problem

Maybe your water faucet should carry a health warning. Our drinking water is at serious risk of contamination by Pacific Gas & Electronic Company’s toxic waste. The corporation, made infamous by Erin Brockovich, is again making headlines. The carcinogen chromium-6, which is used in PG&E’s Topock natural gas compressor station, has been found only 125 […]

Public directory threatens campus safety

You might be surprised to find your personal information posted online for anyone to see. The UCLA campus directory ““ which includes tens of thousands of student, faculty and staff telephone numbers, home and e-mail addresses ““ isn’t just for members of the UCLA community; anyone can access it. Other schools, such as the Rockefeller […]

Bush shouldn’t force religion on state

Do you think President Bush supports the constitutional separation of church and state? Think again. Do not blindly accept that President Bush promotes a purely secular government. As part of his current crusade against same-sex marriage, Bush claimed, in a written statement on Feb. 4, “We must do what is legally necessary to defend the sanctity of marriage.” According […]