[A closer look] Security tightened in dorms for safety

Two years after the Jane Doe incident, in which a young woman was allegedly raped in De Neve Plaza, security in the residential halls has been increased, but officials still advise taking general safety precautions to prevent sexual assault. The December 2002 incident prompted an immediate increase in the number of UCPD and Community Service […]

Possible changes in Big Blue Bus service being explored

The Santa Monica Big Blue Bus is about to get bigger. The transit agency is planning to expand service to accommodate changes in ridership and consumer demands. But before expansion and improvement plans can be submitted to the Santa Monica City Council for approval, Big Blue Bus representatives are looking to the community for feedback. […]

A closer look: Senate seat at stake in California election

With U.S. Senate elections coinciding with the presidential election, voters in a number of states, including California, will have the opportunity to elect senators this year. But many have focused so much on the presidential election that the Senate race has almost been neglected. “I haven’t been watching TV and I’ve been busy with activities,” […]