Design | Media Arts graduate student David Wicks combines landscape art and programming in his work mapping water flow in the US

As American frontiersmen and pioneers pushed farther west in the late 19th century, they forged their way through some of the most inhospitable regions on the continent.

Theater review: "Four Clowns"

“Four Clowns,” a performance piece conceived and directed by Jeremy Aluma, perfectly understands this basic characteristic of the clown. During the roughly 90-minute production, staged at the Sacred Fools Theater in Los Angeles, the audience follows four archetypal clowns representing anger, anxiety, sadness and mischief on their journey from childhood to death.

Los Angeles Theatre Ensemble presents Shakespeare’s classic tragedy “˜Othello’

Tom Burmester had a mission statement. The Los Angeles Theatre Ensemble, founded by Burmester in 2004 after he graduated from UCLA with a master of fine arts in directing, had a “commitment to strike a balance between … the works of new playwrights and revisiting timely and important classics.”

‘Art and the Unbreakable Spirit of Haiti’ exhibit at Fowler highlights Vodou collection

Little less than a year ago, Haiti weighed heavily on many people’s minds as the small nation on the island of Hispaniola that suffered a massive earthquake that devastated the capital city of Port-au-Prince.