It is hard not to judge a book by its cover, and the same concept applies to a movie’s title.
Author Archives: Corinne Cunard
Ole Skool Crew Supreme Dance Team takes its message, moves to UCLA women's basketball game against Cal
“Fabulous and over 40″ are the words that the Ole Skool Crew Supreme Dance Team uses to describe its dancers, all above the age of 40 and who also perform live.
Alternative rock band Pangolin to play in Royce Hall tonight as part of UCLA Arts Party
Enter “pangolin” into Google and you would find a definition of a scaly anteater native to Africa and Asia. But Pangolin is also the name of the UCLA-based alternative rock band which is opening for rock band Dawes at Royce Hall today at 7 p.m. as a part of the UCLA Arts Party.
Hoping 'The Last Song' is the last Miley Cyrus film I watch

Every week, A&E contributor Corinne Cunard blogs about an awful movie she just can’t help but watch. Here is the movie she found herself loving to hate this week.
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I found myself watching a Nicholas Sparks movie. Unfortunately I didn’t end up watching one of his romantic greats, such as “The Notebook” or even “A Walk to Remember.” Instead, I found myself watching “The Last Song.”
I don’t know why I was drawn to this particular movie, but of course once I started watching I just couldn’t stop. I am not sure what should scare me more ““ Miley Cyrus’ acting or the fact that Nicholas Sparks wrote this screenplay specifically for her. Maybe the picture for the movie drew me in. After all, the poster makes it look like a cheesy romance worthy of my time.
Photo Courtesy of Touchstone Pictures
Caught in a bad movie romance
It occurred to me the other day that I will always pay to see a bad movie. You think I would learn my lesson, but time and time again I find myself sitting in a movie theater wondering why I paid $10 or more to see a movie that should have never made it to production. All of this usually happens in the first 10 minutes ““ that’s when you know a movie is bad. But I think that there is a certain appreciation for terrible movies that keeps propelling me to the theaters, regardless of all common sense.
Animators to be honored at Annie Awards in Royce Hall
Gerard Butler, Steve Carell, Mandy Moore and Tom Hanks are just some of the well-known voices of this year’s animated films, but the true stars of the Annie Awards are the animators.
Movie Review: “Jolene”
As a relatively unknown actress, Jessica Chastain holds her own alongside her famous co-stars in Dan Ireland’s film “Jolene,” based on E.L.