Natalie Delgadillo: Civility should not enter into the campus discussion about free speech

In the past year, student political life across the University of California has been roiled by deep divisions and rather uncivil conduct between communities, especially regarding divestment. From the last academic year’s 11-hour student government meeting about divestment from companies that profit off the Israeli occupation of Gaza, bookended by physical threats to councilmembers before […]

Natalie Delgadillo: Fatal shooting of Michael Brown leaves no questions answered

It’s been nearly a week since Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was fatally shot by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, and it seems that all of us – his family, community and nation – are still searching for answers. We’ve looked to the police, who, until Friday, refused to identify Darren Wilson, the […]

Natalie Delgadillo: Political stances overshadow student government ethics

If there’s anything I’ve learned from watching student government, it’s that rational, respectful conversations about opposing viewpoints are always to be hoped for and rarely to be had. At least, I’m still hoping. But the unfolding drama around Avi Oved, last year’s Undergraduate Students Association Council internal vice president and the current student regent-designate nominee […]

Natalie Delgadillo: FIRED UP! slate had passion, but lacked USAC knowledge

The UCLA student body wasn’t “fired up” to vote for the candidates on this year’s ambitiously named new slate. FIRED UP!, a slate that formed in this year’s election cycle, did not win even one of the six seats it contested. In fact, the slate’s candidates were eliminated in the first round of every three-way […]

Natalie Delgadillo: New USAC position would not meet transfer student needs

Throughout the year the undergraduate student government has needed prodding from students (myself included) to move on several important issues: reforming the general representative position, appointing the election board chair and owning up to its stipend blunder. But some occasions call for a more measured approach. A constitutional amendment coming to the spring elections ballotis […]