Julia McCarthy: USAC president’s resignation part of bigger problem

Last week, UCLA’s Undergraduate Students Association Council President Devin Murphy resigned. Much of the discussion surrounding his resignation has been centered on Tuesday’s divestment resolution calling for the University of California to divest from American companies that some say contribute to human rights violations in the West Bank and Gaza. Students have been wondering if […]

Julia McCarthy: ‘I Voted’ button may push Facebook users to election booths

When Facebook and politics intersect, things can get messy. Conservatives and liberals fighting virtually through witty retorts and backhanded insults doesn’t accomplish much on the online platform. But Facebook’s recent intersection with politics can hopefully promote a different type of interaction among users. Through the development of a virtual “I Voted” sticker, users can now […]

Julia McCarthy: Free online AP courses can lower costs, class sizes

This month, Houston’s Rice University started offering a free online Advanced Placement biology class for anyone who has access to the Internet. That means high school students from Indiana to Indonesia could all be learning the fundamentals of homeostasis at the same time in the same virtual classroom this fall. The course, which is being […]

Julia Mccarthy: Focus on concerts, celebrities weakens student voting campaigns

Going to a concert and going to a voting booth are vastly different experiences. But for some reason, both national and UCLA organizations are linking the two, and using celebrity figures and concerts to motivate students to get to the polls after a stop at the concert. At UCLA, this process is beginning with the […]

Julia McCarthy: Students responsible for changing consent culture

The number of times I’ve read a column about sexual assault that starts with the line “I was sexually assaulted last (insert date)” exceeds the number of fingers I have on both hands. And I’m going to add to that number by inserting my own personal experience into the mix. I was sexually assaulted last […]

Julia McCarthy: LA County supervisor candidates miss opportunity to cater to students

  Working for a political campaign this summer was equal parts humorous, challenging and incredibly rewarding. Think “Parks and Recreation,” combined with “The Office” and “The West Wing.” That’s how I found myself at the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors debate earlier this month. I went into the debate with the hopes of finding […]

Julia McCarthy: UC support for sexual assault survivors needs to be solidified

This post was updated on Aug. 11 at 10:17 a.m. This past spring, “#WhyIDidntReport” became a trending hashtag on twitter. Survivors of sexual assault flooded the social media website with accounts of why they didn’t report their assaults. “#WhyIDidntReport Because I was 15 and had been drinking and wearing revealing clothes and I knew no […]