Editorial: UC should implement limits to executive pay

The idea of a public university in California is groaning under the weight of increased tuition and excess administrative costs, straining confidence in the prospect of an institution dedicated to public service instead of profits for its employees. Last week, in an attempt to address those concerns and stave off a possible faculty strike for […]

Editorial: UCLA needs to provide transportation options at Geffen Academy

The recent announcement that UCLA will use a $100 million donation from businessman David Geffen to pay for the development of a new secondary education school on campus has been met with both acclaim and derision. The gift has been slammed in the press as an example of “philanthropy at its worst,” a case of […]

Editorial: USAC must vote down bylaw changes that can ignore important issues

The undergraduate student government will vote Tuesday on proposed amendments to its bylaws, which would seriously damage the scope of the resolutions it could pass and impede the ability of the council to act as a pathway for student activism. As such, they should vote down both amendments. If the amendments are approved, any resolution […]

Editorial: CSO needs to extend late-night hours

At UCLA, students rely on resources such as BruinAlert and Community Service Officers to inform and ensure their security, but, as of late, both have been ineffective. In theory, CSO’s evening van and walking escort services ensure students are safe returning to their dorms or apartments late at night through Westwood, but the two services […]

Editorial: UC must increase transparency, stop deferral of labor disputes

Following last-minute meetings, the lecturers’ union and the University of California finally reached an agreement. Sort of. One day before their Halloween deadline, the University Council-American Federation of Teachers and the UC agreed to extend their contract until Dec. 10 with an additional round of bargaining coming up in a few weeks. University representatives, both […]

Editorial: UCLA can do more to meet Afrikan Student Union demands

Following the now infamous “Kanye Western” themed raid earlier this month, the Afrikan Student Union released a list of 10 demands that prompted a swift response from the UCLA administration. Some of ASU’s demands, such as the creation of an Afro-house and the creation of a $30 million endowment for black students, both of which […]

Editorial: Housing must increase transparency following meal swipe discrepancies

UCLA Housing did something right Thursday when it restored some swipes to students. While it’s good that Housing has successfully fixed its mistake, that doesn’t absolve it of any criticism, as there is still much that needs to be improved. From the point Housing discovered the system error that inflated students to the point it […]