Quarter system better for students and faculty

It has always been odd to start school a month later than friends who attend semester-system schools.

And the reason we do this, the nontraditional quarter system, has been a topic of debate since it was instituted in the late 1960s.

The last time UCLA seriously considered switching back to the semester system was 2002, and it will inevitably be brought up again.

Less than 15 percent of schools have the quarter system, according to Judith Smith, vice provost for undergraduate education.

And the disadvantages of this system are clear.

UCLA should partner with Bruinwalk.com to build a helpful student community around online evaluations

It took seven years to happen, but it was recently announced that UCLA will finally move to electronic professor evaluations this coming fall. This is great news, as it will save class time and wasted paper, allow professors to receive feedback more quickly, and save resources for the Office of Instructional Development.