In Act 1, Scene 5 of “Romeo and Juliet,” the star-crossed lovers meet for the first time on the dance floor of a feast thrown by the Capulets.
Author Archives: Arit John
Underground tour of UCLA
Traveling around the steam tunnel system that runs under UCLA is no easy feat.
Bus Stops: Dining options at the Getty Center
Medium Coffee ““ $2.25 tax
Cinnamon Roll ““ $2.95 tax
Bus Fare ““ $3.00
Total ““ $8.70
Eating at the Getty is a little bit like Goldilocks visiting the home of the three bears ““ there are three options, but only one can be just right. If you want something fancy, perhaps a nice crab cake benedict with a hollandaise sauce (made from egg yolks and lemon) for Sunday brunch, then you’ll want to visit the Restaurant, located on the top level of the structure to the right of the Arrival Plaza (if you’re facing toward the museum).
If that sounds a little ridiculous to you, there are also snack bars that serve coffee, pastries and candy. I choose this option but ended up with cold coffee so bitter all the milk and sugar in the world couldn’t save it.
Experiencing Getty Center’s relaxing atmosphere a must for Angelenos
In honor of my first all-nighter of the quarter, this week I decided to find the perfect place to study.
Screen Scene: “Sanctum”
“Sanctum,” James Cameron’s latest project (he serves as the film’s producer) is a natural disaster film that looks like a horror movie, or a serious “based on true events” film shot in 3-D.
Scouring Silver Lake for its specialty shops
Before heading to Silver Lake, I had a clear-cut image of what I expected to find: small, high-end speciality shops, overpriced and exotic cafes and willowy, well-dressed 20-somethings in trendy outfits worthy of the best vintage stores in town.
Musical vision
A lot can go wrong while shooting a music video, including scheduling conflicts and unexpected rain on a filming day.