Now that McCain is closing the gap on Obama’s poll leads, people are whispering about a resurgent “Bradley Effect.”
Author Archives: Alexander Pherson
Obama’s past may be a valid cause for voters’ concern
Who is Barack Obama?
Media-hassled Gov. Palin deserves more respect
Sarah Palin got the Republican juices flowing in a way that John McCain simply couldn’t have, adding youthful exuberance and an enticing personality that sent a tingle down the spine of Middle America.
McCain has the upper hand on the economy
The mess on Wall Street presents a huge opportunity for John McCain, but he needs to act fast to reap the benefits.
Some solicitors breed mistrust
Representatives from some Bruin Walk solicitors are using dubious tactics to get money from students, and the tactics are corroding students’ trust in the charitable process.
Internships provide a competitive upper hand
With the start of the new year and a new quarter, some students are beginning to stress about the dual rigors of their hefty academic curricula and the approaching deadlines for summer internships.
California seeks to improve telehealth
The University of California, along with a number of government agencies and health care providers, was issued a three-year $22 million grant by the Federal Communications Commission last Tuesday.