Nobody is denying it. CEOs these days are getting paid huge amounts of money while much of the country is agonizing over how to pay its bills.
Author Archives: Alexander Pherson
“˜Octomom’ represents gross irresponsibility in society
If the “glory days” of the economy are over, so too is the era of individual responsibility.
Obama should not be defined by Lincoln
Much ado has been made about the similarities between Presidents Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln.
In light of financial crisis, students must actively oversee ASUCLA expenditures
California is facing the largest budget deficit in its history ““ $42 billion to be exact.
Stimulus package is flawed
If Obama intends to go cold turkey on partisan politics, he has an odd way of showing it.
Obama’s lackluster inaugural offerings failed to wow
I’ve had a week or so to reflect on the inauguration. It’s going to take a little more time to process everything.
Political professors inhibit well-rounded education
Many professors think it is their civic duty to thrust the day’s issues on their students in an effort to make them better, wiser human beings.