Building a bike-friendly campus

With stair-covered hills, car-clogged streets, pedestrian-filled walkways and a reputation for theft, UCLA is not exactly a bike-friendly campus. But that could be changing now that the university has begun to act on some of the long-held concerns of the university’s cycling community. Responding to recommendations in the university’s bicycle master plan, which is currently […]

Most not flustered by scare at apartment

After the initial surprise, Westwood residents were largely unfazed by the discovery of an explosive device in the Midvale Plaza apartment complex Friday. The Los Angeles Police Department bomb squad was able to detonate the device without completely evacuating the building, and though some residents said they were shaken, most said they did not feel […]

Digging up opportunities

Underneath the Fowler Museum of Cultural History, the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology spreads out like a catacomb, and though UCLA has no undergraduate major in archaeology, some UCLA undergraduates work regularly in the museum’s basement. Nearly every afternoon, Tria Marie Ellison and Jerry Howard work in Professor Tom Wake’s zoo archaeology lab. The third-year anthropology […]