More students choosing UCs this year

Monday, 7/14/97 More students choosing UCs this year DATA:
Diversity up in system, but UCLA shows drop in some minorities

By Tyler Maxwell Daily Bruin Senior Staff The UC system has seen
a dramatic increase in the number of students accepting admission.
The number of statements of intent to register (SIRs)received is up
5 percent from last year. The incoming freshman class is reported
to be the strongest academically in UCLA history. The ethnic makeup
of the incoming class has shown greater diversity systemwide;
however, UCLA has shown a decrease in Chicano/a and African
American enrollment. "The overall academic quality of our students
has taken a leap because we are seeing a dramatic increase in the
number of the most highly qualified students coming to UCLA," said
Rae Lee Siporin, director of Undergraduate Admissions and Relations
with Schools. "On the down side, while the number of students with
the strongest academic records is increasing, the number of African
Americans, American Indians and Chicanos/Latinos is decreasing,"
Siporin said. The average high school GPA for incoming freshman is
4.05, an average SAT score of 1250, and an average of 14.5 honors
courses taken. In comparison, last year’s incoming freshman class
had an average GPA of 3.99 and an average SAT score of 1,236. The
expected ethnic makeup of UCLA’s incoming class is less diverse
than that of the UC system on the whole. The number of African
Americans expected to enroll systemwide is up 5.4 percent. However,
the number of Latino students is down by 4.1 percent systemwide.
American Indian students were the only other group to show a
decrease in enrollment. American Indian enrollment is down 17
percent. UCLA expects 8.5 percent fewer African Americans and 18.5
percent fewer Chicanos/Latinos than last year. The rate of students
accepting admission increased in every ethnic group except among
Latinos and American Indians. "We are pleased about the increases
in the rate of acceptances," said Dennis Galligani, UC assistant
vice president for student academic services. "However, the
university still has much work to do to ensure that student
diversity continues. To further that goal, the university is in the
process of intensifying and expanding its outreach efforts. Our
message to students of color has not changed. We want them to
consider UC as one of their choices to complete their education."
These statistics are based on the number of SIR forms returned. In
the past, 96 percent of those who return their SIR actually enroll.
Overall, 62.2 percent of all freshman who were offered admission
say they plan to attend. That number is up from 60.2 percent from
last year. Some attribute this to better outreach programs. "Santa
Barbara, for example, hosted get-togethers with students who
applied," Galligani said. "They spent time presenting the campus
and its future." The increase in the number of students will not be
evenly distributed between the nine campuses. Enrollment at
Riverside, San Diego, Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz have increased
while enrollment at Irvine, Davis, Berkeley and Los Angeles have
actually decreased. UCLA had the lowest decrease of 0.8 percent.
Some of the campuses admitted fewer freshman to compensate for the
excessive enrollment the previous year.

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