Monday, 6/9/97 Parting words
Paul Dong B.A. in history I’m anxious about entering the real
world. That’s why I’m going to grad school. Julie Hoang B.S. in
Psychobiology I plan to take a year off and travel to England. It’s
the only foreign country where I know the language. I want to go to
vet school there. Daniel Wright B.A. in World Arts and Cultures
Besides getting married, I plan to get my ceramic tile business
started. … At this point, I’m considering taking a year off
before resuming studies again. Maura Crossin B.A. in Anthropology
I’m confident about doing something, even though an anthropology
degree is not really applicable in the job market. But I think
experience is more important than knowledge. Pam Yiu B.S. in
Business/Economics My favorite memory was winning the NCAA
basketball championships. I lived in the dorms at that time, and I
remember everyone screaming. It was chaos. Everyone was going
crazy. Christopher Lam B.S. in Electrical Engineering The most
memorable thing was the learning experience – burning the midnight
oil to get results. All the hard work was the most memorable.
Adedze Pascasie M.Ph. in Public Health I really want to work in the
communities of developing countries. Anthony Speigel B.A. in
political science Beginning in the summer, I plan to go to Italy to
begin a job for Ferrari. My long-term goals are to work in
marketing for Ferrari and eventually get my M.B.A. It is difficult
to recieve an education here … from enrolling and selecting your
classes to getting there, it is a bureaucratic nightmare. Paul
B.A. in history
Julie Hoang B.S. in Psychobiology Daniel Wright B.A. in World
Arts and Cultures Maura Crossin B.A. in Anthropology Pam Yiu B.S.
in Business/Economics Christopher Lam B.S. in Electrical
Engineering Adedze Pascasie M.Ph. in Public Health
Anthony Speigel B.A. in political science