Speaks Out

Thursday, 5/22/97 Speaks Out

We asked students on campus ‘What is the relationship between
religion and politics in contemporary social and political
discourse?’ BULF ANDERSON: In my opinion, (religion) should be
outside of the political life, because in Sweden, for example, the
government church is supported by public taxes, even if you are not
a member of the church. The influence of religion in politics
should be based on the freedom of religion. The extent to which it
is influenced should be a personal choice. PAUL CHO: That issue has
been talked about a long time. I think that religion is used as a
tool by leaders for unity. I don’t know how much of a religious
aspect is in the background of what leaders present, but it
manifests itself nonetheless in what they say. If they use it to
unite people, I guess it can be a positive thing. But if they use
it for their own negative means, then you have to re-evaluate how
religion is used. YVONNE MENDEZ: They don’t really go hand in hand
together. … The mixture of religion and politics is largely a
personal decision, based on what elements of your religion you
choose to mix with politics. WENDY POLNASZEK: I can’t follow
politics. I don’t have the time. When my parents were out of the
country, I voted a strictly Republican ticket for my mom, because I
knew that’s what she would probably vote, because I didn’t feel
like I was knowledgeable enough to make a valid decision. Unless
you are going to a private school, religion shouldn’t have any
bearing on what is taught. NATALIE SIMPSON: I believe that it is
essential for them to mix but I don’t think that politicians like
to mix the two because they realize in many instances that their
issues are not parallel to what the majority wants to hear. So, I
think that in contemporary times, they don’t mix as they should.
… I just think that religion is a foundation for maintaining a
society that refrains from being in the midst of chaos and
disorder. I think that politicians in general have a lot of things
in their closet, and I think that if they didn’t even tamper with
religion a lot of things would come to light. Bulf Anderson Paul
Cho Yvonne Mendez Wendy Polnaszek Natalie Simpson

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