Thursday, 5/15/97 Speaks Out With the regents coming to UCLA
today, we asked students: "If you could say anything to the
regents, what would it be?"
Miguel San Miguel Graduate student Architecture "Where does all
the money go that this university has? More money from overpaid
salaries should go to undergraduate education … If the UC system
is hurting, and it is one of the largest ones in the country, and
if it has one of the money endowments in the country, then why is
it still hurting?" Tricia Taylor First year Physiological sciences
"More of an emphasis needs to be placed on enrolling minority
freshman in order to maintain diversity on campus. A lot of the
programs, like AAP, which have made that process easier, are being
threatened." Kim Loda Third year Biology "I would tell them that
they should support affirmative action." Bijian Feng fourth-year
Economics "To keep the registration fees lower, and that should put
an end to favoritism in the admissions process." Chrisla Scanlan
Fourth year Sociology/education "I would be interested in seeing
what plan they are going to adopt in terms of maintaining diversity
on campus. I want to know how racial categories are going to affect
incoming freshmen and graduate students as well." Miguel San Miguel
Graduate student Architecture Tricia Taylor First year
Physiological sciences Kim Loda Third year Biology Bijian Feng
fourth-year Economics Chrisla Scanlan Fourth year