Thursday, 5/15/97 Letters
Student government lacks humility I’m so sick of all these
student government political hacks who think they’re still in high
school and student government is cool. As if it really matters and
students give a damn who they’re voting for. All these student
government political hacks do is toot their own horns, ranting and
raving about affirmative action and student fees. Don’t they
realize that UCLA can’t let every person into school just so they
can have their bastard version of diversity (which is really just a
code word for "the fewer whites at UCLA, the better"). Don’t they
realize that UCLA actually COSTS MONEY. (God forbid people should
actually pay for the education they receive.) I can’t stand all
these people who want something for nothing: be it welfare,
admission to UCLA, union "rights," health care, free abortions or
whatever. The only thing anyone should care about is the God-given
right to earn money in a free market. Michael C. MacNeil Third year
Political science /history Grieving moms’ untimely deaths I
appreciated Guesh Cuan’s Viewpoint article which appeared in
Monday’s Bruin. I, too, have a difficult time coping with Mother’s
Day; my mom lost her life to cancer when I was a teenager. I just
wanted to say that I quite strongly disagree with her statement: "I
guess your death was yet another lesson you were trying to teach
me: to appreciate those who love you and to love them back." I
don’t know why our moms had to leave us so early in our lives, but
I’m sure it wasn’t because we didn’t love them enough. Her mom did
not choose to get sick and die in order to teach Guesh to
appreciate others, and neither did mine. I think Guesh should stop
punishing herself. Her mom would have been very proud of her.
Kishanti Wahla Fourth year History/art history