Construction Corner

Thursday, 5/8/97 Construction Corner

The demolition of Towell Library continues. Large trucks will
enter and leave the site, congesting adjacent walkways and Westwood
Plaza. Construction at Bruin Plaza and the Ackerman loading dock
area continues as part of the L.A. Department of Water and Power
water main location project. Parts of Bruin Walk and the Intramural
Field also remain blocked off for this project. Pedestrian traffic
is detoured around the south side of the Morgan Center.
Construction also continues at the Bradley International Student
Center and the Brain Mapping building. Trucks may cause minor
congestion near the sites along Circle Drive. The two north bound
lanes of Westwood Plaza remain open during the construction of The
Gonda (Goldschmied) Neuroscience and Genetic Research Center. There
will be some traffic congestion in Westwood Plaza because of
construction material deliveries. Seismic renovation continues on
the interiors of Kerckhoff and Royce Halls. Delivery of
construction materials to the Science and Technology Research
Building may cause some traffic along Midvale Alley. Large trucks
enter and leave the site of the Law Library. Workers are on duty to
direct periodic traffic congestion from construction material
deliveries along Circle Drive East. Compiled from UCLA Capital
Program’s Daily Campus Construction Impact Report.

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