External Vice President

Wednesday, 5/7/97 External Vice President Stacy Lee

Stacy Lee may be the strongest and most qualified candidate
running for a USAC office this year. Lee intends to use her
extensive experience in the external vice president’s office to
advance students’ bargaining power not only at UCLA, but also in
California and across the United States as a whole. Having worked
previously with the United States Student Association, an
organization dedicated to increasing cooperation among student
governments nationwide, Lee will flex her muscle to increase the
amount of funding available for students on a national level. Lee
also seeks to strengthen UCLA’s Los Angeles ties by working with
labor unions, community organizations and youth. A diplomat, an
experienced organizer and a potential inspiration for aspiring
student activists on campus, Lee knows the importance of
acknowledging diverse interests and bringing UCLA to the national
level while remembering who she represents in Los Angeles.

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