Wednesday, 5/7/97 Academic Affairs Max Espinoza
Although there were two strong candidates for this office, Max
Espinoza’s status as a successful incumbent makes the choice
obvious. Espinoza has been an active and visible student advocate
this year. His knowledge of university politics is a valuable asset
in student government, particularly in an office as challenging and
important as academic affairs. This year, among other
accomplishments, Espinoza’s office has worked for a diversity
general education requirement, sponsored and supported a series of
successful student-run courses and emphasized retention. Jamil
Jaffer, the Access Coalition’s candidate for the position, is a
strong challenger. His work on the General Education Workgroup that
helped develop a new general education plan is particularly
impressive. In the end though, Espinoza’s experience as a returning
academic affairs commissioner is the clincher. The office has
several important projects underway that are likely to suffer if a
new commissioner is elected. Student’s academic interests would
best be served by returning the incumbent Espinoza to office.