Ashley Rosenberg, 1st year, Psychobiology

Steven Kezian, 1st year, Biochemistry

Matt Pinopio, 2nd year, Civil Engineering
Christina Kulyk
Second-year, biochemistry
I think they should be able to, but it should be optional. Girls and guys can already just go and get an apartment together.
Matt Panopio
Second-year, civil engineering
As long as it is mutually agreed upon. I don’t think it should be random because it could get kind of sketchy if they don’t know each other’s boundaries, like changing clothes and bringing friends over.
Steven Kezian
First-year, biochemistry
I feel like it is a good idea but could cause some problems. Girls and guys live differently. They could clash, plus we are a little young for that.
Ashley Rosenberg
First-year, psychobiology
I think it is completely fine. If there’s a gay guy who wants to live with a girl or a girl who wants to live with her boyfriend, they should be able to. But it is their responsibility if things go badly.