Proposition 27 upholds partisan values by continuing to allow the state governor and legislature to draw congressional districts.
Politicians regularly clump voters into districts concentrated with the majority party, stacking the odds in their favor. This is an initiative which should not pass.
The proposition directly opposes Proposition 20 and would dissolve the Citizens Redistricting Commission that has yet to do the work it was established to do. Its first round of redistricting will occur after the 2010 census data is processed, and a change would undo the progress that has been made.
The initiative is overwhelmingly financed by incumbent politicians who wish to remain in power. Voting yes on Proposition 27 would allow them to continue grouping voters to benefit their re-election. Such a system is undemocratic.
Should Propositions 20 and 27 pass, the proposition with the higher percentage of votes in favor will be enacted.