Thursday, April 25, 1996Freefall into spring
This letter is in response to Te-ie Lee, who lamented the loss
of Mardi Gras ("Mardi Gras blues," April 15).
Well, I have an answer to the problem! Mardi Gras may be gone
… but UCLA’s oldest and greatest spring tradition is still
around: UCLA Spring Sing is coming up this Friday, April 26. Tom
Petty will accept the George and Ira Gershwin Award there! Spring
Sing is song and spirit … it’s always exciting, and always a lot
of fun.
So, if you’ve got those "don’t-got no-more-Mardi-Gras" blues,
don’t miss the last great spring tradition at UCLA Â Spring
Sing! Tom Petty will be there  will you?
Sameer Bakhda
End PEZism!
I am writing about an issue of grave concern to me and many
silent others. The Wednesday edition of The Bruin was graced by a
half-page advertisement on page 8 claiming that Spring Sing is
"BETTER ‘N PEZ." Please don’t misunderstand me: I sing, I like
spring, I dig Tom Petty, and Cory Feldman truly does suck. However,
to claim that any one-night affair is superior to a candy
dispensing establishment which has existed for more than 50 years
is irresponsible and misguided.
The universal appeal of PEZ dispensers and candy has brought
smiles to the faces of millions of boys and girls around the world.
My fellow collectors and I are simply trying to continue the legacy
of this indisputable icon of American pop culture.
In this era of heightened societal sensitivity to our
differences, PEZism and other forms of confectionary discrimination
cannot and will not be tolerated.
The Spring Sing will come and go, but plastics take thousands of
years to decompose …
Andrew Shpall
Medical student
Messy coverage
During the April 20-21 weekend, UCLA hosted the Los Angeles
Times Festival of Books. This exciting celebration of reading and
literacy brought many benefits to the UCLA campus, yet the Daily
Bruin’s only coverage after the event was a photo in the Tuesday,
April 23 edition which depicted the clean-up process.
An estimated 50,000 people attended this event. UCLA students,
faculty, staff and alumni, as well as the general public, were
given the opportunity to hear talks by renowned authors, browse
through books, listen to storytellers and attend author
booksignings. ASUCLA Bookstore featured publications by UCLA
faculty. ASUCLA also provided the concessions, and those proceeds
will help benefit student programming funds. Other UCLA units, such
as the Friends of English fundraising group, were able to promote
their activities.
Your photograph of the debris is a disservice to the UCLA crew
who worked diligently through the night to have the campus ready
for "business as usual" on Monday morning.
We welcome the Daily Bruin to join us at future events and see
the many ways that such activities benefit the UCLA community.
Winnie Glas
UCLA Event Management