UCLA researchers hope that they have created a tooth-friendly candy just as appealing as Red Vines or Twizzlers.
Dentistry professor and microbiologist Wenyuan Shi discovered an ingredient from licorice roots that combats a main bacterium that causes tooth decay a few years ago, and this ingredient is now infused and available in a sugar-free, orange-flavored, bacteria-killing lollipop.
The licorice root extract in his lollipop can effectively kill Streptococcus mutans, a common bacterium that could release harmful cavity-causing acids. Only 15 milligrams of licorice powder per lollipop eliminates 99.9 percent of this bacteria in the mouth within five to 10 minutes, Shi said.
Before the growth of cavities, harmful bacteria in the mouth produce acids that create holes in the outermost layer of the teeth. Streptococcus mutans is one of the more virulent cavity-causing bacteria, and the licorice root extract specifically kills only the harmful bacteria in the mouth, not other beneficial bacteria, said Aria Eshraghi, a microbiology graduate student who worked with Shi in the past.
The lollipop idea originally derived from a discussion between Shi and an executive of Delta Dental about trying to use medical rather than surgical approaches to combat tooth decay. The discussion led Delta Dental to offer Shi $1 million for his study. Since then, the company has provided close to $10 million for the lollipop project, Shi said.
Since the inception of the project, it has not been easy for Shi and his researchers to meet the expectations of big corporations. The lollipops had to not only please consumers, but also garner positive feedback from many other groups such as clinical trials and research staff, Shi said.
There are reasons why the special licorice root is extracted and pulverized into a lollipop.
The lollipop form gives fewer chances for consumers to choke, so it is better than a candy or gum form. Also, for candy or gum, the ingredient could only be released briefly, making them less effective than the longer-lasting lollipop, Shi said.
“One thing I definitely find interesting is the approach they are taking to treat cavities. Instead of putting the drug into a pill or a treatment from the dentist, they put it into a lollipop, which makes it appealing to children and adults,” Eshraghi said.
Shi’s lollipop was originally targeted to special needs people who have trouble brushing their teeth, said Dr. Maxwell Anderson, president and CEO of C3 Jian, the company that sells the lollipop.
But clinical trials revealed positive testing results from schoolchildren and the elderly. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health, young children and the elderly are the most susceptible to cavities, Anderson said.
“I think the technology is simply awesome. It is also very nice to see that (companies) have taken an interest,” Eshraghi said.
The gradual public attention he and his research have been receiving is only the start, Shi said.
Shi sees his lollipop as part of a trend toward medicined dentistry, which means less surgical approaches to dental problems, he said.
The lollipop is now available online for anyone to buy in C3 Jian’s Web site. Within the next year, Shi thinks that they could be in drug stores.
“We do find it is a very rewarding experience; it can actually benefit society,” Shi said. “(The project) is a rewarding experience in terms of working in a big industry.”