Construction Corner

Wednesday, 2/26/97

Construction Corner

Construction corner

At the Bradley International Student Center, construction
continues. Trucks enter and leave the site, causing minor traffic
congestion on Circle Drive West near Strathmore.

Construction goes on at the Brain Mapping Institute. Trucks
entering and leaving the site cause some traffic congestion on
Circle Drive South near Westwood Plaza.

At the Gonda (Goldschmied) Neuroscience and Genetics Research
Center, continues is still going on. There is some minor traffic
congestion due to steel deliveries.

Work to reinstall the spires on top of Kerkhoff Hall continues,
and interior remodeling work is underway.

Construction fencing has been installed across the IM field.
Fencing will extend out to Bruin Walk blocking all pedestrian
traffic on Bruin Walk from the west end of the John Wooden Center
to the Bruin Bear. Pedestrians will be detoured around the south
side of the Morgan Center. This will be a construction ceneter
untill February 1999.

Work continues on the Law Library, with large trucks entering
and leaving thesite. Flagmen on duty direct vehicle and pedestrian
traffic. Construction material deliveries such as concrete, steel,
etc., cause some traffic congestion on Circle Drive East
periodically. Flagmen direct and control traffic.

Construction continues on the interior of Royce Hall and Young
Hall South.

Construction continues at the women’s softball field, with roof
framing in progress on the clubhouse. There is no traffic impact.
Fencing was installed on February 24.

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