Construction Corner

Thursday, February 20, 1997

Construction fencing was installed across the IM field Feb. 14.
The fencing runs north to south and wraps around the south end of
the John Wooden Center, up to the main entryway. The fencing will
cut across Bruin Walk to the Morgan Center and terminate at the
south entrance to the athletic field. Since Bruin Walk will be
blocked off at the Wooden Center, alternate access from the west
will be made along the south end of the Morgan Center.

Construction continues on the interior of Royce Hall. Work
continues on the demolition and replacement of an areaway on the
east side of Royce. Activities include demolition, excavation, and
dirt and debris removal. The north-south walkway between Royce and
Haines Hall will be congested and noisy.

Construction continues at the Bradley International Student
Center. Trucks entering and leaving the site cause minor traffic
congestion on Circle Drive near Strathmore.

Construction continues at the Brain Mapping Site. Trucks
entering and leaving the site cause some traffic congestion on
Circle Drive South near Westwood Plaza.

Construction continues at the Law Library addition. Large trucks
enter and leave the site; flagmen on duty direct vehicle and
pedestrian traffic. Deliveries of construction materials such as
concrete and steel periodically create some traffic congestion on
Circle Drive East. Flagmen direct and control traffic.

Compiled by Toni Dimayuga, Daily Bruin Contributor.

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