Finding gay gene won¹t lead to holocaust of hom

Wednesday, January 29, 1997


Idea that most women would abort gay fetuses not only untrue,
but ludicrousBy Ray Lopez

I have to respond to Tom Sena’s hysterical cry of the extinction
of gays and lesbians ("’Gay gene’ forces review of right to
choose," Jan. 14). This guy is so far over the edge, all sense of
reality has drained from where he once may have had a brain. I have
a gay younger brother and many gay friends and none of them agree
with any points made by Sena, except for one: We may be on to the
discovery of the gay gene very soon.

Sena asserts that once this gene is discovered, "It would be no
time at all before science offered a ‘cure’ for homosexuality"
­ which he contends is abortion. There would be a rush at
abortion clinics by frantic pregnant women who just found out their
son or daughter has the gay gene. They would want their fetus
"exterminated" to prevent this "sickness" from spreading. Sena
cites two examples of gay men who came out to their parents. In
both cases, the mothers told their sons if they had known this,
they would have had an abortion.

Would they really do this? I doubt it. It sounds like these
mothers couldn’t handle their son’s lifestyle and they spoke from
emotions, rather than from logic. Think about it ­ how many
times did you scream out something insulting to a family member,
only to regret it later once you cooled down and were thinking
clearly again? How many times did you tell your brother or sister
you’d kill him or her, knowing all too well that there’s no way you
could ever mean it? The same goes for mothers who say they’d abort
their own son if they had known he had the gay gene.

I’m sure there are some mothers who would disown their gay son
or daughter. That’s their own personal hell they have to deal with.
Yet, other mothers I know have overcome their fear and accepted and
encouraged their child’s lifestyle.

Sena also states that, "thanks to Roe vs. Wade, they could
always choose abortion." Here, he is blaming the "soon-to-be
extinction of gays and lesbians" on a woman’s right to choose.
That’s ridiculous and insidious! Sena believes that women will
recklessly choose an abortion at the slightest whim. He’d better do
some research before making such an asinine statement as that. Sena
should spend a day at a clinic. He should listen to the counselors
and to the women who are facing the prospect of abortion. It is
excruciating and soul-wrenching. It is the most difficult decision
a woman must make.

Regarding the extinction of gays and lesbians, Mr. Sena, I hope
no one else buys into your hysterical "reasoning." Another fanatic
tried to extinguish an entire group of people, much as you say
women will do to gays and lesbians. Adolph Hitler killed over 6
million Jews. Do you really believe our civilized world would allow
for another holocaust? And that women would be the culprits of such

I hope this gene is soon discovered. It would then lay to waste
all the evil, pompous preachings of Bible-beating, hateful,
homophobic so-called "Christians." It would then prove that
homosexuality is not a "sickness" but a biological normality, that
it’s no different than having hazel eyes instead of blue.

One final thought: If the gay gene is discovered, what’s to
prevent the proliferation of gays and lesbians rather than their
extinction? Homosexual couples could have or adopt gay and lesbian
babies to raise in a comfortable and encouraging environment.

Ray Lopez is a 1995 alumnus.

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