Republicans attack gay rights to garner votes

Darnell Grisby and Claudia Rodriguez are acting chairs of the
Gay and Lesbian Association.

By Darnell Grisby and Claudia

Once again the Republicans are using divisive tactics in their
efforts to win elections. They always target the most vulnerable
groups in American society in an effort to rally upright,
outstanding, morally-just All-Americans against their common enemy
– those "other" people.

Over the years these groups have taken different forms. They
were once the much hated commies who were bent on making America
socialist; however, African Americans and other people of color
have long felt the heat of these attacks. Be it the Willie Horton
ads that were used by Bush in the ’88 Presidential Campaign, or
Governor Pete Wilson’s anti-immigrants (i.e. anti-Latino/a)
re-election of 1994, the Republicans have always focused on the
differences that we have as Americans in an effort to divert
attention from the issues that directly affect America’s
well-being. After attacks on other communities failed to garner the
support they were looking for, the Republicans have directed their
attacks on the gay and lesbian community.

Their latest attempt is in the form of the Defense of Marriage
Act. The bill federally defines marriage as a heterosexual union
only and allows the states to decide the fate of gay marriage.

Most polls show that the overwhelming majority of Americans are
against gay marriage; however, most Americans were once against the
legal recognition of interracial marriage.

This shows that people in this country are conservative about
changes that affect other people’s lives – but we believe that they
should stay our of it and mind their own damn business!

Polls show that most Americans are still against interracial
marriage – should it matter if two people love each other? Should
it matter if it is two men or two women, and if so, why do some
people have such concern about the "immorality" of someone else’s
lifestyle? As long as it does not adversely affect others, no one
should care. Gay and lesbian people are American citizens that pay
taxes and contribute to America in every known field – why should
we not have the same rights?

If our future lovers were to be in a car accident, why shouldn’t
we be allowed to go to the same hospital to comfort them? We are
not animals – we are human beings.

We are not asking for special treatment, only simple inclusion.
America is not a truly free country until it recognizes its
hypocrisy – it professes freedom for all, but its actions show
something completely different.

America should learn from its mistakes. History shows that
people will not take a back seat and allow their rights to be
infringed upon. This nation was founded on this very principle.
African Americans, Chicanas, Native Americans, each oppressed group
has risen to fight a nation that was founded on principals of
"freedom and democracy." If South Africa can open their elections
to all and elect a predominately black government that has recently
included complete rights for homosexuals in its constitution, why
can’t America provide equal rights for homosexuals? I thought that
we were supposed to set an example of inclusion for the rest of the

Republicans always push family values, but why can’t gay and
lesbian people be included in this framework? Gay people have those
values, too.

Most Americans are for equal rights for gay and lesbian people –
why doesn’t this translate into marriage rights? We should follow
South Africa and those European countries that have expanded
inclusion to include gay and lesbian people.

We should put aside our petty differences and personal hang-ups
and focus on expanding access for all Americans. If we want to keep
America strong, let’s come together as progressive people focused
on true democracy rooted in trust, not division.

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