Communities react to hype, stereotypes

Thursday, June 6, 1996

Feminist groups to hold rally tonight protesting alleged greek
involvementBy Marie Blanchard

and Brooke Olson

Daily Bruin Staff

Reports of an alleged gang rape by Zeta Beta Tau fraternity
members drew swarms of television crews and newspaper reporters to
the campus, prompting heated debates over whether fraternities
breed aggressive sexual behavior.

Since the alleged incident occurred, the UCLA administration
suspended all ZBT-sponsored events until July 1, pending a review
of the fraternity.

"UCLA is committed to doing all within its power to prevent
sexual assault, to take disciplinary actions when warranted and to
provide prompt and compassionate support services to survivors,"
said Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Winston Doby in an e-mail
sent to all UCLA students.

The accusations against the three fraternity members came less
than two weeks after fraternity houses pledged support for a "Take
Back the Night" rally, aimed at promoting women’s safety.

Because the allegations came so closely on the heels of that
event, some students believe they demonstrate that fraternities pay
only lip service to women’s safety.

"I was at the rally and I saw all these signs up, but deep down
inside I think the fraternities are the same as ever ­ all
(the members) want is sex," said Carla Zeiler, a second-year
biology student.

The women’s groups are planning a candlelight vigil tonight,
starting at Westwood Plaza and moving up fraternity row ­
including ZBT.

Fraternity members, though, were quick to defend their
organizations, which they said do not in any way promote sexual

"(The campus) needs to show compassion for the (alleged) victim,
(but) the incident should not be used as ammunition against the
fraternity system," said Todd Doyle, the president of Pi Kappa

"The fraternity system is not a culture that perpetuates rape,"
he said. "Rape is an ungodly act, and in no way, shape or form do
(the fraternities) encourage it."

Because this is the first accusation of sexual assault against
members of Zeta Beta Tau ­ one of the oldest and largest
fraternity houses at UCLA ­ some students were hesitant to lay
blame on the organization for perpetuating violence against

In fact, both fraternity members and other students disagreed
with the intent to single out ZBT as perpetuating rape.

"I think it’s wrong for (rally organizers) to protest ZBT," said
Jennifer Louiston, a third year communication studies student.
"Rape can occur anywhere ­ not just in a fraternity

However, other students, including 1995-96 undergraduate
Internal Vice President Barbara Brazil, disagree.

"I think that people shouldn’t be surprised by these events,"
said Brazil. "I feel sad that it takes something like this for
people to realize that fraternities haven’t changed, and (the
members) still have a long way to go before fraternities become
educated on women and rape."

Such education already is a key part of fraternity membership,
Doyle explained. During the year, the university hosts classes on
rape sponsored by the Women’s Resource Center. Fraternity members
are instructed never to engage in sexual activity with an
intoxicated woman, Doyle said.

This quarter alone, ZBT fraternity members attended two
mandatory classes on rape prevention and alcohol abuse, said Gary
Schwartz, the executive adviser of the house.

Although all three men were accused of forcible rape, the
district attorney needs to determine the validity of the
accusations before the case can go to trial.

Despite the notion that suspects are innocent until proven
guilty, some students have, in their minds, already tried and
convicted the three men.

"The rally is a protest of rape ­ especially of (this
alleged incident)," Brazil said. "We want people to know that this
(alleged occurrence) isn’t an isolated incident."

Brazil and other members of the Womynist Collective created
several flyers with the caption, "Are rapists born? Or are they

"This (rally) is a protest of anger, of self-defense, of a
campus community enraged at the hard evidence that … rape is
still alive and in our own backyard," asserted Christina Gonzales,
co-coordinator for UCLA’s Raza Women, in a press release

Fraternity members added that although they support women’s
safety, they condemn the rally organizers for targeting ZBT.

"If (the organizers) weren’t attacking us, I would march for
women’s safety," Doyle said.

Rally organizers plan to call for the elimination of ZBT from
the UCLA campus and will demand that the university implement an
ethnic and gender studies requirement. But through Schwartz, the
Interfraternity Council claimed that ZBT’s charter will not be
revoked at this time.

"Shutting down the house is not currently a possibility,"
Schwartz said, adding that the national ZBT fraternity office is
currently investigating the incident.

The final decision about ZBT’s charter will be made by the
Interfraternity Council, said Robert Naples, the assistant vice
chancellor of student affairs.

Students arrested in alleged rape case

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