Monday, May 13, 1996
By Jason Packman
Daily Bruin Contributor
After only receiving a handful of applications, the
Communications Board appointed several top Student Media
newsmagazine editors to return to their posts next year.
Adria DeBaca was appointed Wednesday to again head La Gente de
Aztlán, UCLA’s Chicana Latino/a newsmagazine. The fourth-year
sociology student saw her past year as editor as a learning
experience, and hopes to make the newsmagazine monthly next
"We are hoping for a more steady advertising base, and better
distribution so we can start coming out more often," DeBaca
Gülgün Ugar was appointed two weeks ago to her second
year as editor of together, UCLA’s feminist newsmagazine. The
second-year political science student hoped she will be able to
build on what she has done this year.
"It has been a very positive experience and I see a lot of
possibilities continuing at together that I want to be a part of,"
she said.
Continuity will be maintained in other Student Media
publications. Next years Ha’Am editor, Rachel Miller, served as
managing editor this year.
She believed that the Jewish newsmagazine has been moving in the
right direction and will continue with the example set by current
editor Gary Bernato.
"Ha’Am has a really important place for Jewish life on campus,"
said Miller, a second-year political science student.
Bruin Life, UCLA’s yearbook, will have Joy Yuson as its editor
next year. The third-year political science student hoped to bring
new ideas to the Bruin Life with experience designing this year’s
yearbook layout.
"I’ve been on staff for three years. We are a more motivated and
fun group, and I am really excited to return," Yuson said.
Bryon Williams will head TenPercent after a year’s involvement
in its design and production. The first-year undeclared student,
who was appointed as editor on Wednesday, said he hoped to continue
with the direction that the gay and lesbian newsmagazine has gone
this year.
"I don’t plan on making any major changes," Williams said. "I
see it as a wonderful resource for the gay and lesbian
Third-year history student Masood Khan was chosen to edit
Al-Talib, the Muslim newsmagazine. After working as a staff editor
this year, he said he plans to use the publication as a way to
combat stereotypical images of Islam portrayed in mainstream
"You see movies like ‘Executive Decision’ and ‘True Lies’ that
portray Muslims as maniacal, sadistic, crazy people," Khan said.
"There are a lot of misconceptions about Muslims. I feel that these
need to be addressed."
The Communications Board, which made the appointments, has yet
to approve editors to lead NOMMO, the African newsmagazine, and
Pacific Ties, the Asian Pacific newsmagazine. There is also no
manager yet for KLA radio.
All appointments are provisional, with final approval to take
place in late summer.
* * *
The Communications Board also tackled how it should receive
feedback from the various student media, eliminating its on-going
liaison program with student media.
For the past several years, board members have served as
liaisons with student publications and provided direct feedback
from the respective editors. The liaison would then report back to
the full board, which is removed from the medias’ daily
While the program has had some successes, many student media
officials sought to alter the liaison relationship. For example, at
last weeks Communications Board meeting, out of 10 different media,
reports were only given for NOMMO and Bruin Life. The Bruin Life
report was given directly by Bruin Life Editor Quan Doan.
The reform process began at the April 24 meeting when Board
Chair Deanna Cherry proposed to scrap the liaison structure all
together and replace it with student media editors reporting
directly to the board three times a year.
However, Cherry withdrew the measure after board members raised
objections. Alan Hanson, administrative member of the board,
questioned how it would look to have student editors brought before
the board to present reports.
"All of a sudden, we have staff feeling like they are reporting
to the board," said Hanson, director of the Office of Residential
Life. "We want to be supportive, but we don’t want to mix in the
The matter went to the board’s Operations Committee Monday,
which produced the new proposal. The motion stated that "Editors
and General Managers are required to attend Operations Committee
meetings and make reports."
The proposal included a "Media Status Report Form" which details
questions student editors must address during their report to the
operations committee. Reports given would be summarized by the
chair of the Operation Committee to the full Communications
"I can’t find any reason to be unsupportive," said Hanson as the
board unanimously approved the new restructuring plan.