Tuesday, April 30, 1996
Internal Vice President
Glenn Inanaga
Ambitious and experienced with a clear plan to:
* Fight threats to on-campus housing meal coupon system and
campaign to increase flexibility
* Grade all candidates’ progress on promises with report card
system published in student government newsletter
* Develop student government visibility in dorms and with office
hours on Bruin Walk, and
* Continue voter registration and support lowered fees,
financial aid and affirmative action.Financial Supports
Brett R. Bouttier
The only candidate with experience in the financial supports
office and a concrete plan to:
* Establish an Aid Network to put Scholarship Resource Center
information about loans, grants and scholarships online
* Place a satellite financial aid office closer to central
campus to facilitate students’ needs for more accessible
information, and
* Hire financial aid peer counselors to answer questions and
make loan and grant forms with deadlines available.External Vice
Alberto Retana
The one candidate with experience in the external vice
president’s office. His plans include:
* Administering a "Death of Education" campaign, including
massive voter registration drives, exposure of anti-educational
candidates and initiatives and "Get Out the Student Vote"
* Continuing a 15% Fee Rollback Campaign, which seeks to
decrease tuition through the collection and delivery of 23,000
student postcards to regents
* Starting a Faith in Our Youth Program to outreach "at-risk"
Santa Monica High School students via mentorship program, and
* Continuing to work with UCSA and USSA.General
Dora Cervantes
* Will establish Housing Information Placement program to
provide updated listings of affordable and accessible housing
options, and
* Has present experience with child care issues that will help
her advocate for much needed child care space.
Michelle Gosom
* Will provide information on pro-educational candidates and
initiatives, increase voter registration card availability at front
desks, Murphy Hall and in orientation packets, and
* Will increase efforts to educate about CCRI and its effects on
women. Will bring together broader base of women’s groups to ensure
women’s concerns are addressed.Facilities
Eric D. Shaw
The only candidate with experience in the facilities office.
Wants to:
* Implement Complaint Central to help find solutions and provide
direction to student concerns with on- and off-campus housing
* Provide free Internet space, classes on Internet, World Wide
Web access and basic computer skills, and
* Expand hours for escort service and evening vans by modifying
services during Daylight Savings Time.Academic Affairs
Max Espinoza
Only candidate with experience in academic affairs office and
clear understanding of crucial issues. Has specific goals to:
* Create student-faculty mentorship program focused on casual,
non-academic events
* Support general education requirement in ethnic and gender
studies. Also stresses need for an extensive course, perhaps
lasting more than a quarter, and
* Continue expanding campus tutorials, peer counseling programs
and Booklending program.Unopposed
Student Welfare
Miho Murai
Cultural Affairs
Jaime Nack
Community Service
Rose Ancheta