Glenn Inanaga..

Wednesday, April 24, 1996

Candidate for Internal Vice President

Glenn Inanaga, an internal vice presidential candidate, believes
student government should serve the students ­ not govern

"The council is nothing without the support of the students,"
said Inanaga, a Students First! member. "Without that support, we
are truly ineffective when it comes to change."

Inanaga wants to make the student government more immediate to
students by expanding the number of issues of ACCESS, the council’s
current newsmagazine.

He is also interested in having ‘report cards’ for the student
government. This would allow the students to hold council officials
accountable for their actions, Inanaga said.

One of Inanaga’s key goals is to familiarize first-year and
transfer students with the UCLA campus.

"It is important to let these people know as soon as they come
in what UCLA has to offer so that they will be compelled to stay in
school," Inanaga said.

If elected, he plans to expand campus outreach programs to all
students and make the council more accessible by setting up
information booths on Bruin Walk and making routine visits to the

Inanaga served as resident assistant for Dykstra Hall, Internal
Vice President of Nikkei Student Union and currently volunteers in
the external and internal vice presidents’ offices.

"Basically, I want to open up student government to everyone and
inform all students of the opportunities available at UCLA,"
Inanaga said.

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