Student suspected of fraud

Tuesday, April 2, 1996

Police search for stolen credit cardsBy Marie Blanchard

Daily Bruin Contributor

A UCLA undergraduate students’ apartment was searched by members
of the Secret Service, Novato police and the West Los Angeles
Forgery Department early Monday afternoon.

According to a West Los Angles Police officer, the apartment was
being searched for stolen credit cards as part of a forgery

The Landfair Avenue apartment, part of a university housing
complex, was rented to Stuart Manashil, a UCLA Spanish student.
According to Fernando Bustamante, the office assistant of the
building "the police came in with business to deal with."

Investigators were seen rummaging through Manashil’s trash,
looking through his mail and going through various credit cards in
the apartment.

Police were seen running credit cards through machines,
presumably to check their validity.

Investigators on the scene would not comment on the case.

Although Manashil was not home when police first arrived, he
appeared later while they were searching his apartment, Bustamante

Bustamante said that the police spoke to him for a while and
then left without making any arrests.

Det. Mary Allen, of the West Los Angeles forgery bureau,
acknowledged that an investigation was taking place but refused to
give any more information regarding the case.

Watch commander Paul Fletcher of the Novato, Calif. police
department said he heard nothing about the case despite the
presence of Novato officers on the scene. Manashil’s permanent
residence is in Novato.

The university police watch commander also said he had heard
nothing about the case.

Manashil’s stepmother, who lives in San Rafael, knew nothing
about the investigation.

"I am astounded that Stuart would be involved in anything
illegal," she said. "It would really surprise me."

Manashil was not available for comment.

This is the second incident involving UCLA students and credit
card fraud within the last two weeks.

A UCLA graduate student, who identified himself as Hector
Cedillo, is being investigated by university police for fraud. He
has already been charged with grand theft and burglary by the West
Los Angeles district attorney.

Two weeks ago, university police thought other UCLA students may
be involved.

Although Manashil’s residence has been searched by authorities
who suspect fraud, there was no indication either way if the search
was in any way connected to Cedillo’s case.

With reports by Andrew Scholer, Daily Bruin Staff.


Investigators search a UCLA student’s apartment on suspicion of
credit fraud.

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