A student group that aims to educate students about climate change will hold a panel Thursday for UCLA professors to discuss climate change through a multidisciplinary approach.
The Climatepedia panel, called “Climate Change: Challenges and Solutions in a Contemporary World,” is meant to encourage a multifaceted discussion of climate change, including from the perspective of science, health, economics and public policy. Anyone can attend the panel for free and light refreshments will be served.
The panel of UCLA professors will be held on Thursday from 6 to 8 p.m. in Rolfe 3126 and will feature professors from multiple UCLA departments, including atmospheric and oceanic sciences and environmental health sciences.
Sam Geldin, the president of Climatepedia and a third-year geography and environmental science student, said he thinks people should try to approach climate change through multiple disciplines to move past a surface-level understanding of climate change.
“We want to increase dialogue and awareness about climate change, but also bring it to the next level debate, which is how to take action on what we are seeing right now in our environment,” Geldin said.
Geldin said he hopes the multidisciplinary panel can become an annual event that can adapt to new research and findings on climate change.
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