Crime Watch

Petty theft One backpack, two cellular phones,
seven parking permits, two purses and five wallets were stolen
during this period, totaling a loss of $1,315. On Wednesday,
someone stole a saw and hammer worth a total of $350 from the
Facilities Management lot. That same day, someone stole a compact
disc player from a black 1992 Honda Accord on the 100 block of
Veteran Avenue. A $118 bicycle was stolen from the 3000 block of
Sawtelle Avenue on Oct. 2.

Grand theft On Friday, someone stole a purse
with contents worth $2,035 from Rubio’s restaurant in
Ackerman Union. Earlier that day, someone stole a backpack from
Reiber Dining Hall, amounting to a loss of $430. Someone removed a
$3,000 window from the exterior of Royce Hall Thursday. On
Wednesday, a silver 1999 Nissan Altima was stolen from parking
kiosk 2. That same day, someone stole a $1,800 stereo from a white
1990 Honda Accord in Lot 6. Also, someone stole a $3,000 laptop
computer and another person stole $533 worth of kitchen supplies
from the Center for Health Sciences. A tan Chevrolet Cavalier was
stolen from Lot 1, and a green 1997 Nissan Maxima was stolen from
the Sunset Village parking lot on Oct. 2.

Miscellaneous Police reported that a 2001 Lexus
struck a light pole at the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and
Marymount Place on Sunday. The car was found abandoned. A male
employee at the Santa Monica UCLA Medical Center was cited for
inappropriately touching a patient on Wednesday. That same day,
someone slashed the tires of a black 1981 Volvo sedan on the 600
block of Kelton Avenue. Someone reported anti-American writings on
a bathroom cabinet in an apartment on the 400 block of Kelton
Avenue on Oct. 2. That same day, a patron at the Rosenfeld Library
was cited for downloading child pornography from a library
terminal. A woman with “makeup like a witch” was
reportedly refusing to leave the Medical Plaza on Oct. 2.

Compiled from UCPD media reports between Oct. 2-8 by
Robert Salonga, Daily Bruin Staff.

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